Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lysol your ladyparts

(Click for larger view.)

Found this at The Essentia Sphere and just had to repost it. Because OMG SO RIDIC! Nevermind the implications that your smelly vag is causing marital strife, I can't even imagine the havoc this would wreak on "delicate tissue." Gah!

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Anonymous said...

Holy crap, I read the article it says it's better than salt!!!! omg, did women actually put salt down there wow, thats hardcorde!!! Great ad, where do you get these, damn one day in the future people are going to laugh at what we use now lol. We have sooooo many damn products, half are probably just bad.

Hops said...

You're so right. I was recently thinking about how much stuff I put on/in my body every day. Yikes! Definitely time to go through the medicine cabinet and start chucking!

Dee said...

Margaret Cho says Laura Bush's pussy probably tastes like Lysol...

Hops said...

Dee - awesome! Now we know where Mrs. Bush gets it!