Welcome to the 58th edition of the Carnival of Feminists! I'm seriously, seriously thrilled to have you here. If you missed the 57th edition, go check it out at Pandemian.
(And while I have your attention, please take a quick sec and vote for my new blog name over to the right. Thanks! Thanks for voting everyone! Check out my new home at Hop To It!)
So I'm going to break down these excellent submissions based on things my 13 year old sister has said to me. (Translations in parentheses.)
OMG that's sick nasty! (My top picks)
OHH MYYYY GODD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Unitari from Antidrown
"When dealing with issues of women in Muslim countries, even the compassion that comes from some women in the US sometimes takes the form of "Oh my god!" I know, stoning is a savage idea and it's appalling. But when you say "Oh My God!" to make yourself feel better, it shows."
This is How Much a Woman is Worth in America by Cara from The Curvature
"This man raped and killed a woman, a woman who he had only met that night. More than just being a horrible person, he’s a menace to society. This could have been anyone. And for that, he will spend 5 years in jail. Maybe. He’s eligible for parole in four years."
Porn Part 4: Half of the Big Picture by Nine Deuce from Rage Against the Man-Chine
"Men often tell me that they can make a distinction between porn and real women, but I find that a little hard to believe. I would like any dude who uses porn who reads this to do me a favor and think about something: what exactly is the difference between the woman you date, or work with, or know from school, and the woman you last jerked off to?"
Sex Criminal Fashions by Holly from Menstrual Poetry
"Rape is not a funny word, action or mindset and it should most definitely not be used in a comedy bit; the same goes for the word pedophile."
He called me a bitch so I said he was just mad 'cause I wouldn't go out with him. (Misogyny & Sexual Assault)
Last post on rape! (This week) from Advancing the sum total of human knowledge and endeavour!
"I no longer call myself a 'rape victim'. I don't use that term at all, any more. I don't define myself by what's happened to me, I define myself by what I've done."
Self-harm in prisons on the increase from Socialist Unity
"Why couldn’t the staff intervene every time she came back from her therapist by talking to her rather than leaving her alone in her cell where feelings of worthlessness and powerlessness were festering?"
Pictures at Work John Philips from The Word on Employment Law
"What if someone just brings the magazine to work and shows it around the office? Is it ok if a woman does it? Not ok if a man does it?"
You're never too young for implants by Nine Deuce from Rage Against the Man-Chine
"[I]f you want to live up to today’s model of femininity, get ready to starve, cut yourself up, and eschew having a personality that goes beyond being a snottie hottie."
Mothers are best friends and fathers are... by Unmana from Unmana's Words
"So if the mother becoming a friend leaves the child parentless, what is the father doing?"
My new boyfriend is like, really nice. He gave me his cookies at lunch today! (Relationships)
Recognizing Verbal Abuse in Relationships from The Eclectic Female
"Verbal abuse often stems from inadequacies in one’s self, not from perceived negative characteristics in another. This type of behavior is often observed among pre-teen girls who use verbally abusive comments to establish dominance and social hierarchy over one another."
Disillusionment with Love and Marriage from Quest for The One
"So, for over 150 years, individuals have come to personal realizations that love is not what they thought it was when they were 15 years old."
I don't even know why you like Miley Cyrus so much. (Badass chicks)
Firefly and Serenity from Heroine Content
"Firefly/Serenity is a new take on the western frontier adventure story, which is certainly another area of traditional film misogyny."
No Trespassing, My First Short Film by Holly from Menstrual Poetry
"I usually keep my creative endeavors pretty secret until there is something super exciting to say about it and this is most definitely super exciting!"
Art Nouveau - Where Pinups Got Their Start from Tali at The Pinup Blog
"The Women in Mucha’s painings are natural, beautiful and surrounded by beauty. Their sexiness is an inherit trait. Some are classical, some are modern, all are regal and most look you straight in the eye."
Blog for Fair Pay for Women from Womenstake.org
A list of all the bloggers that posted in support of the Lilly Ledbetter Act.
Wait, who is the president again? (Politics)
A glass ceiling for women? by Nick from Understand Media Blog
"Hillary Clinton constantly receives jabs because of her gender but has no opportunity to respond to those comments. This is because the comments directed towards her are subtle, perhaps even subconscious."
Biased Journalists and Bloggers, Heal Thyselves!from Mad Kane's Political Madness
"And that brings me to my latest limerick" (You gotta click through for it!)
Was Jesus a Jew or a Muslim? (Religion)
Dissecting the Burqa from Kejda Gjermani's My Piece of Mind
"Not only does wearing the burqa imply an overly sexualized sense of self, but it also silently spells out a moral condemnation of all women who do not abide by such anal and self-demeaning standards of 'modesty.'"
A True Measure of a Man by Janak Patel from Crude Bliss
"She is for compassion - never letting go, always giving it time She is for believing - it will one day, be all okay She is for loving unconditionally - and if it takes sacrifice, so be She is for understanding - the truth yet respecting others viewpoints She is for wisdom - gathered from the beginning of time till the end of space"
I was late for my Spanish class because I was talking to my friends in the hallway and I almost got detention! (Last-minute submissions)
Part-time smartschmuck-time and Finished! and Of course! It's teh girleez' fault! from Deborah at In a Strange Land.
Thoughts on the Tyranny of Marriage at Tax Time and What's Wrong with this Article? Marriage and Taxes, part 2 and Thesaurus.com Says 'Female' is Equivalent to 'Weaker' from don't ya wish your girlfriend was smart like me?
Thanks again for reading! Check out the long-awaited 59th Edition over at Philobiblon!

Great carnival!!
Thanks for the inclusion btw.
OMG!!!! This carnival is sick nasty! I think I might adopt your sister's slang. Thanks for including me, and thanks for a collection of awesome posts.
Thank you for making this great collection. and thanks for including my post:)
(by the way the last time I checked, the link from the blog carnival webpage to your blog was broken. You might want to check on that.)
Great posts, all of you!
Unitari - thx for the heads up. I'm sure Natalie will fix it when she updates for the next edition.
Apologies for the broken link - now fixed.
Great carnival, thank you - love the method of arrangement - I think both you and your sister have a future with words!
Thanks so much for including my posts, I'm quite honored to be included in your top picks! Speaking of which, why on earth does my nose produce so many boogers?
Heh...Great carnival, you did a phenomenal job! And I voted for Hop To It.
I'm pumped to have been exposed to Antidrown. Thanks for the exposure to some good feminism.
Natalie - many thanks. This was so much fun!
Holly - Great post! You know how that works.
Michael - I'm confused; have I been exposing you to bad feminism until now?
Yes. It's been bad feminism since day one around here.
Of course I'm lying. Sorry for implying that in my comment. I was just trying to be extra positive about how great the carnival is.
Great Carnival, and great collection of posts.
I was, however, slightly disappointed that there was no reference to the Amanda Marcotte/Seal Press kablooie. Not because I want to condemn or excuse either (my personal position is irrelevant), but because it pointed out some issues that need to be addressed in the feminist blogosphere.
Thanks again for your hard work - I really enjoyed the articles!
- Tefnut
Tefnut - thanks so much for stopping by! This carnival was a lot of fun to put together.
The reason that Amanda Marcotte and her book weren't mentioned here is because none of the posts submitted mentioned them. And I also feel that my personal position on the issue is irrelevant, so I didn't bring it up.
Thanks for all your hard work on this, any ideas when the next carnival will be up, things seem to have stalled??
Hey Julie - thanks so much! I don't really know what the deal is w/the next issue. Maybe Natalie is waiting for someone else to volunteer to host? I'll update this post w/the new info as soon as I find out.
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